Expert Guides

Helping you get the most out of your renewable energy technology

Read our short guides explaining in simple terms how our renewable energy products work, how much you can save, how they can be combined, and more.

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SunPower Warranty

SunPower’s Unique 30 & 40 Year Solar Panel Warranties

Air Conditioning Installation

How Much Does Air Conditioning Cost?

Benefits of Home Air Conditioning

What are the Benefits of Home Air Conditioning?

£7,500 Heat Pump Grant

Claiming the £7,500 Heat Pump Grant: A Guide for UK Homeowners

The Best Electricity Tariffs

The Best Electricity Tariffs for your Renewable Energy Home

Solar Panels and Battery Storage

Should You Add Battery Storage to a Solar PV System?

How Do Solar Panels Work

How Do Solar Panels Work?

How Do Heat Pumps Work?

How Do Heat Pumps Work?

EV Chargers for Business

Installing Electric Vehicle Chargers for Staff and Visitors