Can Battery Storage Power My Site 24 Hours a Day?

For businesses and public sector organisations in the UK already harnessing solar energy, the next logical question often revolves around the potential of battery storage.

If you operate 24 hours a day, you may wonder if battery storage can power your site around the clock. This guide looks into the feasibility of using battery storage to achieve 24-hour power supply.

Battery Storage 24 Hours a Day

by Stephen Hendy, Operations Manager Solar & Storage | published 10 October 2023

Understanding the Role of Battery Storage

Complementing Solar Panels

Battery storage systems are designed to store excess energy generated by solar panels during peak sunlight hours. This stored energy can then be used when the solar panels are not generating electricity, such as during the night or on cloudy days.

Ensuring a Continuous Power Supply

For a site to be powered 24 hours a day solely on solar and battery storage, the system must be meticulously designed to balance energy generation, storage capacity, and consumption needs.

Battery Storage UPS

Assessing Your Site’s Energy Requirements

Conducting an Energy Audit

The first step in determining if a site can be powered round the clock by solar and battery storage is to conduct a comprehensive energy audit. This audit will assess how much energy the site uses throughout the day and night.

Calculating Solar Energy Generation

It’s also crucial to calculate the average solar energy generation at the site. This depends on factors like the size of the solar panel system, geographical location, and typical weather conditions in the area.

Sizing the Battery Storage System

Matching Storage Capacity with Demand

The key to a successful 24-hour power system lies in matching the battery storage capacity with your site’s energy demand and the solar panels’ energy generation.

Considering Peak Usage and Emergencies

When sizing the battery system, it’s important to account for peak energy usage times and potential emergency situations that may require additional power.

Technological Advances and Efficiency

Advancements in Battery Technology

Recent advancements in battery technology have significantly increased their storage efficiency and lifespan, making them more viable for extended use.

Incorporating Energy Efficiency Measures

Implementing energy efficiency measures on-site can reduce overall energy consumption, making it more feasible to rely solely on solar and battery storage.

Financial and Environmental Considerations

Initial Investment vs Long-term Savings

While the upfront cost of a large battery storage system can be substantial, it should be weighed against potential long-term savings on energy bills and reduced environmental impact.

Government Incentives and Support

UK businesses and public sector organisations should explore available government incentives for renewable energy and storage solutions, which can offset some of the initial investment costs.


For businesses and public sector organisations in the UK with existing solar panel installations, achieving 24-hour power supply with battery storage is now a feasible option.

It requires a careful analysis of energy needs, proper sizing of the storage system, and consideration of financial and environmental factors.